Super Saiyan Catastrophe
This form is an extremely powerful and rare Super Saiyan transformation that appears once every megaannum. Like the Legendary ssj, this is a Berserk state, and as such this is a transformation that seemingly has an endless supply of energy as well. It is the Super Saiyan G-type of Lottus's branch of Super Saiyan transformations, and it is a Super Saiyan which has evolved differently from all other forms of super saiyan. Though people who have heard stories of this state write it off as a super saiyan 2 with a color difference, which itself is still a powered-up version of the first Super Saiyan form. The Queen says that this state may be the "dark form" of a Super Saiyan. The Havoc Saiyan is a being of unimaginable power but is spoken of like a mere color difference among the modern day Saiyans, and Lottus's form is referred to as being the "Catastrophe Super Saiyan" due to the user's strange self struggle of causing destruction and mass genocide - similar to the Legendary Super Saiyans.

Havoc Oozaru
Like the Legendary Super Saiyan's Great Ape, this form is an alternate version of the Golden Great Ape state and is required to achieve the Super Saiyan 4 state or Havoc Saiyan Full Power state. The Havoc Oozaru form appears the same as a Golden Great Ape; however the color of its fur is Fire Opal, like that of the Havoc Saiyan form after Lottus overloads the diamond gem on his forehead. He achieves this form in the same way as a regular great ape, however should he lose control when powering up too much he transforms into his havoc state and must gain control over it in order to achieve his full power.

Havoc Sign
Havoc Sign is a version of the first Super Saiyan form under the control of a special gem. This Super Saiyan transformation is an unnatural Saiyan state that is more similar to the false super saiyan form in terms of the way it functions and is achieved. This form is the result of a Havoc Saiyan starting to tap into their true Super Saiyan power but is being suppressed. In Lottus's case, it was the control gem placed on his forehead by the dragon matriarch Gilzia. Unlike the Psuedo Super Saiyan form, this state is sometimes represented with red/pink hair and black eyes. However, even in this suppressed state, it is implied that Lottus is still powerful enough to go head to head with a full power super saiyan. Although, the form also increases dramatically over time in power if it remains active long enough. Similarly, right before Lottus transforms into the Super Saiyan F-Type state, he manages to walk through a full power beam attack from Nappa at point blank range (which is powerful enough to obliterate a normal great ape of around 500,000). This transformation serves as a 40x multiplier at first but continues to drasticaly grow the longer the form is in use.
Super Saiyan G-Type
Super Saiyan F-type is a form utilized by the Havoc Saiyan and as such is a different evolution from the ordinary Super Saiyan, but is also the equivalent to the normal transformation. The appearance of Super Saiyan F-Type varies slightly with its user. For Lottus, his eyes turn blue and his hair flares up and turns yellow, much like the standard Super Saiyan form. However, his hair is more of a dull yellow, with a bright red color instead of gold like most other Saiyans. Right before his first transformation into the Havoc Super Saiyan, Lottus's hair fluctuates between, red, orange, and yellow as his power overrides the power suppression belt. Lottus becomes slightly taller with noticeable musculature increases in mass and definition, but not nearly as much as the Legendary Super Saiyan. However, the aura retains the untinted golden hue of a typical Super Saiyan transformation. While this form is more similar to the Super Saiyan C-Type in power, it is however slightly weaker as it gives a 400x multiplier instead of a full 500x.
Havoc Saiyan
When transformed to the Havoc Saiyan, Lottus's hair is solid orange, and his eyebrow are a bright reddish-yellow. The form possessed the electricity sparks similar to Super Saiyan 2. Though, when taught to properly keep his emotions under control, Lottus surpasses his limits in the Havoc Saiyan state, his hair glows, and his veins start to bulge, eventually leading to him achieving the controlled version of this form. Like the Lssj form, this state is a powered up version of the normal ssj form, but it's more along the lines of the 2nd ssj transformation than the first. Since the user doesn't gain any mass muscles in this state, their speed increases drastically and essentially turning the user into a "speedster" between the Lssj and Havoc Saiyan forms. This transformation serves as a 1200x multiplier at first instead of 1000x and continues to grow like the havoc sign the longer the form is in use.
Havoc Saiyan Full Power
Havoc Saiyan Full Power is an advancement of the Havoc Saiyan and Havoc Oozaru forms. As part of the Great Ape branch of Havoc Saiyan transformations, it is separate from the standard branch of Super Saiyan forms despite being named in a similar way. This form embodies the primal instincts of the saiyan warrior, and relies on it in movement and combat. While the form can be controlled, it is extremely hard to do so, so much that most believe it to be impossible. In this form, the jaw structure remain similar to that of an incomplete Oozaru to keep the monkey like jawline without the elongated face, the teeth also remain sharp though they give off a pure white glow like the eyes. A dark ash-like marking appears on the upper body and covers most of the chest and head, while a glowing fire appears on the chest and throat. The hair becomes a dirty orange-like color but glows and moves like fire, in which the tail of the user glows in the same manner while he grows glowing fur on his forearms. It also makes the individual slightly larger in height and muscularity. This form serves as a 50,000x multipliers.

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