Listening to the instruction of the scientist before him, the Red Ribbon Legionnaire of East City would find himself looking around to the wires that were attached to his body. Each synapse and nerve of his being was in the process of being recorded and analyzed.
"Alright Master Kuroza, all of our tests so far have been successful, though none of the examiners have possessed quite the power level, nor combative prowess that you possess. We simply wish to test the limits of not only our software but as well the mechanical components of our computers. When you are dropped in, you'll find yourself in a fictitious landscape. Feel free to run as rampant as you desire, should anything disastrous befall you, we will pull you back out immediately."
"I see so that explains all the wires, gel, and suction cups. I take it my vitals, and power is what will be recorded."
"Yes sir, if you'd like we could also tap into your optic sensors and-"
"No, that won't be necessary. I'll give a clear review of my findings once I return."
"V-very well sir. Well if you have no further instruction or question, shall we get underway?"
"I'd like that, yes. The anticipation is killing me."
Just like that, Kuroza would find himself standing upon a barren planet, if one could describe the nature of it, in one word. It would no doubt be: Yellow. By all means of the word. Boring. Barren. Devoid of any interest. Taking a moment to get a feel for the world around him, Kuroza would begin to hop, feeling the lightness as his feet made contact with the ground, the sensation: floaty. Testing out a flurry of punches, the Neo Machine Mutant would find his fists extending and retracting faster than what Earth would otherwise proved.
"Hm, seems this planet has about half the gravity, not sure what negative affects this may have on my body...but then again why would I need to worry of such things being an Android."
The silver-haired male would smirk to himself after speaking aloud. His optic sensors scanning the region that lay out before him. A few energy signatures would home in on the horizon as the distance between the estimated targets and himself began to run diagnostic distances... however without proper navigation, or proper global positioning, the readings that were displayed couldn't be trusted over great distances. Tapping the side of his temple, the integrated scan tool would enter into calibration mode as he jumped into flight, covering a kilometer in each alledged cardinal direction. Each programmed to his own specification. The measurement of distance upon the energy readings would alter as the estimates now gave a more accurate, but still far from exact measurement.
" matter, I can work with roundabout distances. So long as the energy output is still calibrated normally all should be fine. So far I see no visible threat, so perhaps some further mapping and exploration is at hand."
Moving from his steady hover within the sky, the Neo Machine Mutant would begin to descend upon a ravine, hoping to meet with the simulated wild-life, or perhaps the final boss he was supposed to be up against.
"I really got to hand it to the R&D Department, they really out did themselves here. Everything feels so life-like, like I really am on some foreign planet."
The Legionnaire would reach out as he took a portion of the soil from the rocky surface of the ravine, and allowed the yellow grains to crumble away to dust in his grasp.
"Well, best not to get lost in the finer details, lets see if we can get a more accurate mental map of the place before I find this 'big baddie'."