The bitter cold of the howling wind would claw at the synthetic flesh that covered the Android's body as he extended a white gloved hand out, as was customary, as he firmly grasped the hand of Tolue. The audible gasps of the Officials behind Kuroza and Hana went unheard, as the wind began to blow harder, masking the sound of Kuroza's sensors picking up on a flux of energy from the android before him. Unbeknownst to the horrors that were expelled from Tolue, Kuroza would nod to Tolue's question.
"Alright men, you're dismissed."
Signaling a salute, in a rather hurried fashion, the group would immediately vacate the helipad, seeking for the warmth of the base, as well as the security of their offices. Kuroza's eyes would scan the helipad as he began to lead Tolue into the large bay door. Gesturing for Hana to be dismissed as she began to walk ahead of the pair of androids. Walking into the Bay doors, the large ice-covered doors would begin to lurch forward as they began to close, the force of the doors capable of crushing a vehicle with ease, as the ice became like powdered snow after crunching against itself and the force.
"But of course, but first allow me to offer a change of clothes, after all, there is no need to keep formalities when in the presence of company."
The warmth of the heaters within the closed bay would begin to thaw and melt the ice around the edges of the doors, and along the tracks of the ships, should the wind have blown any snow in. Kuroza would begin to walk into door as it opened upon their arrival. The damp boots of the two Legionnaires would track in remnants of the elements from outside as the two entered into an elevator. Punching in his code, Kuroza would look back toward Tolue.
"I prefer to adopt a change of wardrobe when patrolling outside of the base. Call it an odd habit, but I tend to get less looks when I'm out of uniform."
As the two reached the penthouse level, the familiar red carpet would line the floor as the two passed by Hana's vacant desk making their way into Kuroza's personal quarters and office.
"I know it's not much, but I think I have a few outfits that I think you may fit."
Stepping behind a screen, the Legionnaire would begin to change his clothes folding over the top of the tri-folded object as he spoke.
"Color me curious... you came from North Branch, right? You wouldn't happen to know a Doctor Latte? The guy's famous for making androids."
The shadow of Kuroza would grow still as he began to adjust his trademark red bandana around his neck as he awaited Tolue's answer.