In the Far reaches of the South Galaxy Quadrant of Universe Seven rests a Binary Star System, Where Two suns are orbited by Ten Planetoid celestial bodies. In this Galaxies Gravitational Orbit, resting in the perfect Goldilocks zone is the Planet Silver; a world in which is inhabited by a race of Humanoid individuals called the Silverene People. On this planet where their civilization is a replication of Earths civilization with a minor alteration as great walls protect the cities from a scourge that since in time memorial has ravaged through the planet. Where the various Continental Biomes possess unique ecosystems, most are also under the control of this devastating scourge. This scourge is known as the Dragon Scourge of Planet Silver; extremely powerful and mythic creatures of the Wyvern, Dragon, and Hydra classification have taken most of the planets continental biomes as territories in which they seek to ever expand and wipe out the silverene race of people. These Dragons serve in a very specific ranking, the frontal assault group of beasts which range in the Battle power of 140,000 are known as the Grand Dragons, those who act as the grand dragons Generals or Leaders are known as the Elder Dragons who range to the Battle Power of 280,000. But above all of them, are those the Dragons call Gods; those who brought forth this never ending scourge upon Planet Silver; Classified as Dragon Matriarchs. The Dragon Matriarchs possess four different tribes, The Tribe of the Fang, The Tribe of the Wings, the Tribe of the Claws, and the Tribe of the Tails; and with each Matriarch possessing an enormous Battle power that signifies their Primordial existence, a Battle power that even with every Silverene fighter going against just one Dragon Matriarch would not even stand a chance.
The Dragon Matriarch's possess a total Battle power one their own of 1,200,000,000; signifying their everlasting rule over their territories with both pride and greed. But The only territory that acts as the Silverene Peoples Bastion of Hope goes by the Name of New Rondo City, where Various Silverene live their mundane lives under the Protection of the Silverene Battle Battalion who traverse beyond the walls of New Rondo City to combat the constant assault from the Dragon Scourge...
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