重要 Transformation Regulation

The rules put in place for transformations are too ensure a certain balance within the roleplay and keep characters from having transformations that need specific requirements to be met in order to achieve them, as well as keeping the transformations aligned with a certain path being chosen instead of having everyone with access to every racial transformation.​

Primal Path (Tail Required): Great Ape -> False Ssj -> Ssj -> Ssj Grade 2 -> Ssj Grade 3 -> Mastered Ssj -> Ssj2 -> Ssj3 -> Golden Ape -> Ssj4 -> FPSsj4 -> Ssj4LB
Normal Path: Ikari Stage 1 & 2 -> False Ssj -> Super Saiyan -> Ssj Grade 2 -> Ssj Grade 3 -> Mastered Ssj -> Ssj2 -> Ssj3
Legendary Path: Ikari Stage 1 & 2 -> Ssj A-Type -> Ssj C-Type - Legendary Ssj

Note: Those who choose the legendary path also has the option to utilize certain transformation from the other 2 paths such as their own versions of the Golden Great Ape, Ssj3, and Ssj4. All paths are also able to achieve divine forms and go into Ssj God, Ssj Blue, Mastered Ssj Blue, and Ssj Blue Evolved.

Great Ape & Ikari: Are auto granted as they are the same thing with the only differences being one is a giant ape and the other is the power of the great ape but retains their speed and agility in humanoid form, with the drawback of hurting themselves the longer they are in the form.

Super Saiyan: To reach ssj, you must first reach a BP of 1 Million, and experience true anger for the first time. Only then will you be able to achieve and learn to master the first ssj transformation. Also, in this form you are able to go into grades 2 which is equivalent to super vegeta, grade 3 which is super trunks, and 4 is simply mastered ssj.

Super Saiyan 2 & 3: You have to master the previous transformation in order to achieve the next level.

Golden Great Ape: You need to be able to turn into a ssj as a great ape.

Ssj 4+: To achieve this form, you need to be able to gain control of your Golden Great Ape Form. Then accumulate higher levels of saiyan power to transcend.

Ssj God+: To achieve this form, your character must do the god ritual or train in the realm of the gods. Then master the previous states to achieve the next one.​

Normal Path: Great Namekian -> Super Giant-Form -> Super Namekian 1 (Optional) -> Potential Unleashed -> Orange Namekian
Super Path: Great Namekian -> Super Giant-Form -> Super Namekian (Optional) -> Red-Eyed Namekian

Note: All paths are also able to achieve the divine form and go into the Blue-Eyed Namekian Form.

Great Namekian & Super Giant-Form: Is auto-granted as a Demon Clan warrior when reaching age 5.

Super Namekian: This form is unlocked when achieving a higher level of consciousness or fusing with other Namekians.

Potential Unleashed: One must have their latesnt potential unlocked then go through a long Ritual of the Kai's to achieve this form.

Red-Eyed Namekian: To reach this state, you must first reach a BP of 1 Million, and experience the power of fighting a ssj. Only then will you be able to achieve and learn to master this form.

Blue-Eyes Namekian: To achieve this form, your character must do the god ritual or train in the realm of the gods.

Orange Namekian: To unlock this form one must have their potential awaken like potential unleashed, and have your full power brought to the surface via a wish and reach a certain level of power.​

Frost Demons
Frieza Path: Suppression Forms -> 100% Full Power -> Golden Frost Demon -> True Golden Form -> Black Frost Demon
Cooler Path: Super Evolution -> Golden Frost Demon -> True Golden Form

Note: The cooler path is also able to utilize the suppression forms and 100% Full Power form.

Suppression Forms: Are autogranted upon roleplay as they are used to decrease the full might of the frost demons base form.

100% Full Power: Also autogranted as this form is simply the full power of the base/true form of the frost demons.

Super Evolution: When reaching 1 Mil in BP, members of this race are able to undergo a 5th transformation similar to that of cooler.

Golden Form: In Progress

True Golden Form: In Progress

Black Form: In Progress​
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